At The Evolve Group UK, we take mental health seriously. As part of Mental Health Awareness, we are proud to highlight the importance of movement and its positive impact, echoing the theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week: ‘Movement: Moving more for our mental health.’

The benefits of physical activity extend beyond physical health, significantly contributing to mental well-being. Regular movement helps reduce stress, improve mood, boost self-esteem, and enhance overall cognitive function. Here’s how we encourage movement across our brands—Evolve Hospitality, Enhance Catering, and Collins King and Associates—to promote a healthier and happier workplace.

Charity Runs! A Community Effort

Our teams have actively participated in various charity runs throughout the year, including events like “Chase The Sun” at Hyde Park. These runs not only raise funds for important causes but also foster a sense of community and collective achievement. Engaging in charity runs helps our team members set personal fitness goals, enjoy the outdoors, and experience the endorphin boost that comes from physical exertion. It’s a fantastic way to combine the benefits of exercise with the joy of supporting meaningful causes.

Walk to Meetings! Incorporating Movement into Daily Routines

In a bid to break the monotony of desk-bound office life, we encourage our employees to walk to meetings whenever possible. Walking to meetings provides a refreshing change of pace, stimulates creative thinking, and offers a natural way to incorporate physical activity into our daily routines. The change of environment can also lead to more dynamic and productive discussions. Plus, it’s a simple yet effective way to accumulate steps and keep active throughout the workday.

Lunchtime Gym Sessions! Making the Most of Breaks

We advocate for lunchtime gym sessions, giving our team members the opportunity to use their breaks for physical activity. A quick workout session can rejuvenate the mind, reduce afternoon slumps, and improve overall productivity. Whether it’s a yoga class, a spin session, or some time in the weight room, these midday workouts are a great way to break up the day and return to work with renewed energy and focus.

Vitality Membership! Supporting Health and Well-being

To further promote a healthy lifestyle, we offer a Vitality membership to our employees. This membership provides access to a range of health and wellness resources, from fitness classes to nutritional advice and mental health support. By investing in our team’s well-being, we aim to create a supportive environment that prioritises both physical and mental health. The Vitality membership empowers our employees to take proactive steps towards maintaining their health, leading to a happier and more engaged workforce.

Friendly Team Activities! Apple Watch Movement Challenges

We encourage friendly competition through Apple Watch movement challenges within our teams. These challenges are a fun way to motivate each other to stay active and achieve daily movement goals. The social aspect of these challenges fosters camaraderie and support, making physical activity a shared and enjoyable experience. Regular movement through these friendly competitions helps combat the sedentary nature of office work, contributing to better mental and physical health.

The Importance of Movement for Mental Health

Movement plays a crucial role in managing stress, anxiety, and depression. Physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins—natural mood lifters—and promotes better sleep, which is vital for mental health. Regular exercise also provides a sense of routine and purpose, helping to alleviate symptoms of mental health conditions.

At The Evolve Group UK, we are committed to integrating movement into our work culture. We believe that fostering physical activity not only improves physical health but also significantly enhances mental well-being, leading to a more vibrant and resilient workforce.

Let’s embrace the theme of movement and make it a cornerstone of our daily lives. Together, we can build a healthier, happier workplace and support each other in our journey towards better mental health.
